More than Ordinary Accounting

Our accounting includes creating individual concepts tailored to small corporations under § 221 UGB. These concepts keep your company up-to-date throughout the year and help you achieve optimal and cost-effective results while ensuring that your balance sheet does not exceed the set thresholds of a balance sheet total of EUR 5 million and sales revenues of EUR 10 million.


Tax Returns

Our permanent tax partner provides professional support for all your tax return needs. Additionally, we are authorized to represent you before federal tax authorities in specific tax and duty matters, under § 2 BiBuG*.


Accounting on a Cash Basis

We create your tax-optimized Accounting on a Tax Basis and help you meet the legal requirements.


Balance Sheets

From double-entry bookkeeping, we create your optimal and UGB-compliant balance sheet, specifically designed for small corporations under § 221 UGB. In doing so, we ensure that the balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 5 million, the sales revenues do not exceed EUR 10 million, and that on average, no more than 50 employees are employed.


Tax Optimization

Together with our partners we monitor your company and react before the balance sheet date in a tax-optimal way. Thus you can plan and react in time.


Cost Accounting

A good overview of the income and costs in your company offers important additional information for the further development of your company processes. Learn from the past for a better future for your company.


Representation before the authorities mentioned in

§ 2 BiBuG*

We take over the monitoring and regulation of your obligations to the tax office for you, Social Security, and other Obligations.

Together with our partners we inform you regularly about your overall situation of finance and accounting. This allows you to make rapid and demand-oriented adjustments, as well as to set measures. A tax-optimized result is our common goal.

Through our DIGITAL FIRST approach, we commit to avoiding paperwork. The annual financial statement within the value limits of § 2 BiBuG* is prepared exclusively electronically and digitally - making it efficient, fast, and environmentally friendly.


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